Nikon C1 confocal system controller problem

Hi all,

Our lab have a Nikon C1 confocal system, and, it has some problems in communicating with PC. We use EZ-C1 3.80 software to control it, no response between controller and PC.

I tried to sovle the porblem and connected the controller (a computer) to monitor, and as the picture showed. In this time, the “READY” led, turned off.

And then , i replaced the 2032 battery, and reseted the motherboard, as the picture. In this time, the “READY” led, turned on, but still can not communicate with software.

What happen between controller and software? How can i fix it?



Hi Franco,
Is Nikon still supporting your system? Do you have a local rep that could take a look for you?
Best, Jennifer