I read some article, and I found a lot of different protocol for the clearing.
We already use some protocol in our platform with a lightsheet Z1 from Zeiss.
X clarity for adult mice brain
CUBIC for organoid and embryo mice brain
RapiClear +/- RIMS for small samples (with +/- result)
Reverse BABB (an organic solvent based method) for lungs. Careful organic solvent properties can be very corrosive for the lens. This is why We reverse a bit the protocol.
Do you have some other protocol to share with me based on your experiment?
We have in the plateform a Z1 from Zeiss and I’m worried about Ethyl Cinnamate because RI will be 1.56
My microscope is set to work with 1.33 or 1.45. I already try the CUBIC 2 with success +/- RI 1.48
Do you have some advice to reduce RI with Ethyl Cinnamate?
Thank your for your answer. We already use the X-Clarity protocol with success on brain but this protocol is not very good for small samples and lungs.