Hi there everyone,
I was thinking about re-slicing samples that have undergone clearing through the DISCO method (vDISCO) in order to image them in a confocal system. Ideally, we would like to register the confocal aquired images to the light-sheet acquired images (The resolution of our Light sheet is not that great for fine sub-cellular details of the cells we are trying to image).
My samples are spinal cords that were not embedded in agarose during the clearing process.
I would like to know if someone has tried (successfully or not) this before. I have some questions concerning the full process:
- What should be the medium in which you would ideally re-slice the samples?
I am afraid that using water-based medium (like PBS for example) could re-hydrate the samples (I don’t know if this even makes sense), thus decreasing the quality of the clearing. However, slicing in ECI (Ethyl cinnamate) poses the problem of sticking the sample to the vibratome holder since I don’t think any kind of glue would resist ECI immersion.
- Would it be possible to embed somehow the sample in Agar/Agarose after the whole clearing process?
This is somehow related to the first question. I fear that embedding in agarose could re-hydrate the sample thus rendering sub-optimal the clearing quality. Does anyone has experience with this?
- Would it be possible to create OCT blocks and cut in a cryostat? I think this could be more simple, though my doubt persist about dehydration. Moreover, to which extent cleared samples are cryoprotected in order to do this?
I am sorry about the structure of my question, I know is kind of disorganized, but I haven’t found information concerning this issue.
Any literature, hint or help would be highly appreciated,
Thank you so much,