WITec Alpha300R from Oxford Instruments

Dear forum Members,

I came across some public tenders that require updates or expansions related to new laser sources to existing confocal microscopes.

For example the purchase of two Raman lasers at 633 nm and 785 nm as an expansion to existing Raman system WITec Alpha300R from Oxford Instruments. This system has already lasers at 488 nm and 532 nm. The new module at 633 nm and 785 nm must include all necessary coupling units, including optical fibers, multi-wavelength couplers and adjustment units. Complete integration of the new laser module into the existing system and the associated software is required.

My question is, if such an expansion would be technically possible to be done by a third party or only by Oxford instruments?

If it’s technically possible, is there a general need for a third party that would offer such extensions to confocal instruments?

I’m currently working for a high tech company a looking for ways to run my own business in the Biophotonics market.

Many thanks

It looks to me like this would be technically possible. My reading of the tender though is that it requires laser systems that are only sold by Oxford Instruments. You could buy the laser systems from Oxford Instruments and install them for the customer, but the margins might not be very large. The customer may also decline your bid because they doubt your ability to implement a “Complete integration of the new laser module into the existing system and the associated software is required.”.

Hi Hazen,

many thank you for your thoughts. Yes, it would be a tough undertaking to implement the new lasers into an existig system that I don’t know the details about.

But just the fact that such tenders for standard lasers at e.g. 785 nm are published shows that the original manufacturer is charging a lot for just the service. The laser and electronics at 785 nm wouldn’t cost more than 2000 USD for 150 mW to 200 mW.

I guess, that the community often uses self made solutions. Thorlabs seems to address this need by offering all kind of adapters for Leica, Nikon, Zeiss, Evident.

Best wishes