User profiles in micromanager

What are the rules that determine which user profile values are saved? It appears that all GUI values are auto-saved. Ideally we can either set some default values, or set profiles to never auto-save.

In the past we also had image overlays autosaved, that strangely mulitplied and propagated to all new images – can we just stop the autosaving?

There’s some info here but it doesn’t go to the level of detail about specific saved values

Hopefully you get a response, but in case not, the micro-manager tag here Topics tagged micro-manager is far more active and regularly gets responses from Nico.

oh Thanks, I thought it was tagged but

There are no “rules”, other than an attempt to remember as much of the GUI elements as possible, so that the use will find all windows at the size and location they were during the last session. It seems that you do not like that? Can you elaborate on how you work with profiles and how you would like them to work?

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