Introducing Microtutor LIVE courses

On behalf of the Microtutor development team, I am happy to introduce Microtutor LIVE! Microtutor LIVE is a series of “flipped-classroom” courses that use the Microtutor interactive virtual education platform. Microtutor LIVE courses run over several weeks. Each week, students are assigned virtual lessons to complete on their own time and then meet virtually with an expert instructor and fellow students for a discussion session. Microtutor LIVE courses also include an additional optional weekly virtual lecture or seminar that complements the Microtutor remote content. Microtutor LIVE courses are FREE and open to everyone. We’ve scheduled the first course, on Fluorescence Microscopy, for this fall. Please help us spread the word!

Microtutor LIVE information & application


Was just looking to find a link for this and found neither live nor virtual is mentioned here Microscopy Courses | Harvard Center for Biological Imaging