Crest X-light V3 spinning disk confocal reviews

We got one (very) recently! It’s using laser illumination, rather than LED. The compromises are, essentially, flexibility; it has a 5-position filter wheel with a manual bypass of the spinning disk lightpath if you want to use it as an epifluorescence system as well. So we essentially have 4 emission filters because we need to leave a blank slot for using the microscope in Epi mode.

I assume that the disk (50µm holes, 250µm spacing) is the same as the equivalent disk in an X-light V2 or V3; if you have weak signals you need to do a lot of binning because the disk does throw away a lot of light. It’s feasible that CREST might consider opening the door to other disk designs in the Cicero if people asked for them. I think if you have medium levels of expression and a good camera, then the Cicero is actually quite good, it’s just that our samples (endogenously-tagged proteins) are low expression.

@CMCI, can I ask an approximate price of CICERO and the light source? I got a quote from a local distributor in korea and it is ~$100K for both the spinning disc unit and LDI light source (4channel), no camera. Thanks!

That sounds about right, to be honest. Make sure that you’re getting the right laser lines - I think 470nm lasers are now common on the smaller laser launches, and if you’re doing live imaging of GFP, then I think you would want to have a 488. You probably already know this, but I almost got caught out by it, so I thought I should mention it!

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