Non-uniform illumination issue with Olympus Spinning Disk W1

Hi everyone,

W recently upgraded our Olympus IX83 widefield fluorescence microscope to a Spinning disk (SD) confocal system with a Yokogawa CSUW1-T1S. The SD-W1 head unit is connected to the microscope with a 1x coupler bundled by Yokogawa. Ever since the upgrade, we have observed heavily centered and non-uniform illumination in the field of view. Has anyone faced a similar issue with Yokogawa CSUW1? It would be very helpful if anyone can tell us about how to make the illumination more uniform in our field of view using any hardware additions.

Thanks and regards,

There’s a reason Yokogawa offers a “Uniformizer” add-on and Lumencor released a “ZIVA Light Engine for Yokogawa CSU”.

Without using any hardware additions, the only way you can make the illumination more uniform in your FOV is by limiting the FOV (through camera ROIs and/or using a variable aperture).

But if you want the full FOV (and/or you want uniform excitation), you could characterize the non-uniform excitation and then correct it.

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Thanks for your suggestions. We will get in touch with Yokogawa distributors and ask about the uniformizer.

Although it’s very surprising that Yokogawa doesn’t bundle a hardware solution to uniformize the illumination beam along with the CSUW1 unit by default.

Is correcting images for illumination post acquisition using softwares acceptable for quantification that would eventually be published?