BigStitcher cannot save as Tiff

Dear all

We have a light sheet data set of 129GB. We successfully create the xml file and open the data with BigStitcher. We would then like to resave the stitched dataset as Tiff. But when we right click in the tile list in Big Stitcher and select Resave as compressed TIFF, we are getting an error message "File saving error IOException. We have tried to directly save as compressed TIFF or to first save as h5 then resave as compressed tiff but we get the same error in both cases. What are we doing wrong?

Not sure if you have already solved this, but the BigStitcher coders are active on the forum, and that might be a better place to post this :slight_smile:

That data set also sounds somewhat large for a basic TIFF, and probably needs BigTiff or similar encoding - not sure if that is default for BigStitcher.

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OK thanks for the answer. I wish we had only 1 forum for everything! :frowning:

We have managed to fix the issue. I will look into BigTiff.


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