Diffraction - and modelling the focussing of light

My latest Photology video discusses diffraction and how it models the focussing of light by a lens. This video features results from the seminal 2017 JCB paper by @talley and @jennifer as well as explaining the modern concept of a ‘photon’:

00:00 Intro
00:46 What is diffraction (and what is a photon)?
05:36 Modelling diffraction 1: Huygens construction
07:58 Modelling diffraction 2: Fresnel and Kirchhoff
11:24 Modelling diffraction 3: Miller’s spatial dipoles
13:50 The Huygens-Miller Simulator (hms) C program
15:53 How is light focussed by a lens?

This video is essential pre-viewing for my up-coming video on Abbe’s diffraction theory of image formation in the light microscope and Fourier optics.

Enjoy. Share with your students, etc.